Function to identify the best-matching hexagons/rectangles for the input data


sBMH is supposed to identify the best-matching hexagons/rectangles (BMH) for the input data.


sBMH(sMap, data, which_bmh = c("best", "worst", "all"))


an object of class "sMap" or a codebook matrix
a data frame or matrix of input data
which BMH is requested. It can be a vector consisting of any integer values from [1, nHex]. Alternatively, it can also be one of "best", "worst" and "all" choices. Here, "best" is equivalent to 1, "worst" for nHex, and "all" for seq(1,nHex)


a list with following components:

  • bmh: the requested BMH matrix of dlen x length(which_bmh), where dlen is the total number of rows of the input data
  • qerr: the corresponding matrix of quantization errors (i.e., the distance between the input data and their BMH), with the same dimensions as "bmh" above
  • mqe: the mean quantization error for the "best" BMH
  • call: the call that produced this result


"which_bmh" upon request can be a vector consisting of any integer values from [1, nHex]


# 1) generate an iid normal random matrix of 100x10 data <- matrix( rnorm(100*10,mean=0,sd=1), nrow=100, ncol=10) # 2) from this input matrix, determine nHex=5*sqrt(nrow(data))=50, # but it returns nHex=61, via "sHexGrid(nHex=50)", to make sure a supra-hexagonal grid sTopol <- sTopology(data=data, lattice="hexa", shape="suprahex") # 3) initialise the codebook matrix using "uniform" method sI <- sInitial(data=data, sTopol=sTopol, init="uniform") # 4) define trainology at "rough" stage sT_rough <- sTrainology(sMap=sI, data=data, stage="rough") # 5) training at "rough" stage sM_rough <- sTrainBatch(sMap=sI, data=data, sTrain=sT_rough)
1 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 2 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 3 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 4 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 5 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 6 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 7 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00)
# 6) define trainology at "finetune" stage sT_finetune <- sTrainology(sMap=sI, data=data, stage="finetune") # 7) training at "finetune" stage sM_finetune <- sTrainBatch(sMap=sM_rough, data=data, sTrain=sT_rough)
1 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 2 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 3 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 4 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 5 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 6 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00) 7 out of 7 (2018-01-18 16:56:00) updated (2018-01-18 16:56:00)
# 8) find the best-matching hexagons/rectangles for the input data response <- sBMH(sMap=sM_finetune, data=data, which_bmh="best")

Source code


Source man

sBMH.Rd sBMH.pdf

See also
